Addy Osmani

Addy Osmani

Addy Osmani is a Developer Programs Engineer at Google, working on tools for improving how developers create applications. He\"s also a member of the jQuery team where he assists with documentation and our learning site project. Some of his other OS work has included contributions to Modernizr and other similar projects. Personal projects include TodoMVC, which helps developers compare JavaScript MVC frameworks and jQuery UI Bootstrap.

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Books Authored by Addy Osmani

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns (Version 1.62)

Post date: 20 Apr 2016
With Learning JavaScript Design Patterns, you will learn how to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript by applying classical and modern design patterns to the language.
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns (Version 1.62)

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns (Version 1.62)

Post date: 20 Apr 2016
With Learning JavaScript Design Patterns, you will learn how to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript by applying classical and modern design patterns to the language.

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