Microsoft .NET

Learn application design and development using a wide collection of products and technologies with a common dependence on the Microsoft .NET Framework.

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Books under this sub-category (15 books)

.NET Book Zero: What the C or C++ Programmer Needs to Know about C# and the .NET Framework

Post date: 05 Aug 2016
An introduction to C# and the Microsoft .NET Framework for programmers who have experience with C or C++.
Publication date: 01 Jan 2007
Document Type: Book
.NET Book Zero: What the C or C++ Programmer Needs to Know about C# and the .NET Framework

.NET Book Zero: What the C or C++ Programmer Needs to Know about C# and the .NET Framework

Post date: 05 Aug 2016
An introduction to C# and the Microsoft .NET Framework for programmers who have experience with C or C++.
Publication date: 01 Jan 2007
Document Type: Book

[No longer freely accessible] Real World XML Web Services: For VB and VB .NET Developers

Post date: 07 May 2005
Explains the foundation of web services starting with XML Schema, serialization, SOAP, WSDL and covers practicaly details for implementing Web services using ASP.NET.
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Publication date: 01 Sep 2002
Document Type: Book
[No longer freely accessible] Real World XML Web Services: For VB and VB .NET Developers

[No longer freely accessible] Real World XML Web Services: For VB and VB .NET Developers

Post date: 07 May 2005
Explains the foundation of web services starting with XML Schema, serialization, SOAP, WSDL and covers practicaly details for implementing Web services using ASP.NET.
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Publication date: 01 Sep 2002
Document Type: Book

Building Secure ASP.NET Applications: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Communication

Post date: 24 Mar 2007
Presents a practical, scenario driven approach to designing and building secure ASP.NET applications for Windows 2000 and version 1.0 of the .NET Framework.
Publisher: Microsoft Press Books
Publication date: 13 Mar 2006
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Communication

Building Secure ASP.NET Applications: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Communication

Post date: 24 Mar 2007
Presents a practical, scenario driven approach to designing and building secure ASP.NET applications for Windows 2000 and version 1.0 of the .NET Framework.
Publisher: Microsoft Press Books
Publication date: 13 Mar 2006

C# Essentials

Post date: 05 Feb 2008
This online book contains 27 chapters of detailed information intended to provide everything necessary to gain proficiency as a C# programmer.
Publication date: 01 Feb 2008
C# Essentials

C# Essentials

Post date: 05 Feb 2008
This online book contains 27 chapters of detailed information intended to provide everything necessary to gain proficiency as a C# programmer.
Publication date: 01 Feb 2008

C# Programming Yellow Book, The "Bananas" Edition

Post date: 05 Apr 2016
An introduction to computer programming using C# language used by the Department of Computer Science in the University of Hull as the basis of the First Year programming course.
Publication date: 07 Sep 2015
C# Programming Yellow Book, The "Bananas" Edition

C# Programming Yellow Book, The "Bananas" Edition

Post date: 05 Apr 2016
An introduction to computer programming using C# language used by the Department of Computer Science in the University of Hull as the basis of the First Year programming course.
Publication date: 07 Sep 2015

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#

Post date: 08 Jan 2005
Promotes object-oriented design using C# and to illustrate the use of the emerging object-oriented design patterns.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2001
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#

Post date: 08 Jan 2005
Promotes object-oriented design using C# and to illustrate the use of the emerging object-oriented design patterns.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2001

Dissecting a CSharp Application: Inside SharpDevelop

Post date: 12 Sep 2006
This book teaches advanced .NET programming techniques by getting an insiders' look at SharpDevelop, a complete Integrated Development Environment written in C#.
Publisher: Wrox Press
Publication date: 01 Feb 2003
Dissecting a CSharp Application: Inside SharpDevelop

Dissecting a CSharp Application: Inside SharpDevelop

Post date: 12 Sep 2006
This book teaches advanced .NET programming techniques by getting an insiders' look at SharpDevelop, a complete Integrated Development Environment written in C#.
Publisher: Wrox Press
Publication date: 01 Feb 2003

Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft .NET: Version 2.0

Post date: 26 Mar 2007
Embraces existing work in the patterns community, contributes new patterns, and shows how to implement these patterns in .NET. Included in the guide are an introduction to patterns and a catalog of 32 architecture, design, and implementation patterns.
Publisher: Microsoft Press Books
Publication date: 24 Sep 2003
Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft .NET: Version 2.0

Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft .NET: Version 2.0

Post date: 26 Mar 2007
Embraces existing work in the patterns community, contributes new patterns, and shows how to implement these patterns in .NET. Included in the guide are an introduction to patterns and a catalog of 32 architecture, design, and implementation patterns.
Publisher: Microsoft Press Books
Publication date: 24 Sep 2003

Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Post date: 28 Jun 2016
A comprehensive computer programming tutorial that teaches programming, logical thinking, data structures and algorithms, problem solving and high quality code with lots of examples in C#.
Publication date: 28 Sep 2013
Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Post date: 28 Jun 2016
A comprehensive computer programming tutorial that teaches programming, logical thinking, data structures and algorithms, problem solving and high quality code with lots of examples in C#.
Publication date: 28 Sep 2013

Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures

Post date: 26 Mar 2007
The authoritative guide to implementing fundamental security principles in .NET applications. This guide helps you design, build, and configure hack-resilient Web applications that reduce the likelihood of successful attacks.
Publisher: Microsoft Press Books
Publication date: 24 Sep 2003
Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures

Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures

Post date: 26 Mar 2007
The authoritative guide to implementing fundamental security principles in .NET applications. This guide helps you design, build, and configure hack-resilient Web applications that reduce the likelihood of successful attacks.
Publisher: Microsoft Press Books
Publication date: 24 Sep 2003

Introducing Visual Basic 2005 for Developers

Post date: 19 Jul 2005
This book examines a focused, first look at the features and capabilities in Microsoft Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, and .NET Framework 2.0.
Publisher: Microsoft Press Books
Publication date: 01 Sep 2004
Introducing Visual Basic 2005 for Developers

Introducing Visual Basic 2005 for Developers

Post date: 19 Jul 2005
This book examines a focused, first look at the features and capabilities in Microsoft Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, and .NET Framework 2.0.
Publisher: Microsoft Press Books
Publication date: 01 Sep 2004

Object-oriented Programming in C# - for C and Java programmers

Post date: 03 Aug 2016
A teaching material about object-oriented programming, illustrated with use of the programming language C#.
Publication date: 05 Feb 2010
Document Type: Textbook
Object-oriented Programming in C# - for C and Java programmers

Object-oriented Programming in C# - for C and Java programmers

Post date: 03 Aug 2016
A teaching material about object-oriented programming, illustrated with use of the programming language C#.
Publication date: 05 Feb 2010
Document Type: Textbook

Programmer's Heaven C# School Book

Post date: 16 Oct 2007
Covers the .NET framework and the C# language. Teaches the basics of the language, object oriented programming techniques, practical topics including database access with ADO.NET, building Windows forms applications, multi-threading and asynchronous I/O.
Publisher: Synchron Data
Publication date: 31 Dec 2006
Document Type: Book
Programmer's Heaven C# School Book

Programmer's Heaven C# School Book

Post date: 16 Oct 2007
Covers the .NET framework and the C# language. Teaches the basics of the language, object oriented programming techniques, practical topics including database access with ADO.NET, building Windows forms applications, multi-threading and asynchronous I/O.
Publisher: Synchron Data
Publication date: 31 Dec 2006
Document Type: Book

Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

Post date: 19 Jul 2005
This book is a complete technical guide to upgrading Visual Basic 6 applications to Visual Basic .NET, covering all upgrade topics from APIs to ZOrders.
Publisher: Microsoft Press Books
Publication date: 01 Dec 2001
Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

Post date: 19 Jul 2005
This book is a complete technical guide to upgrading Visual Basic 6 applications to Visual Basic .NET, covering all upgrade topics from APIs to ZOrders.
Publisher: Microsoft Press Books
Publication date: 01 Dec 2001

Visual Basic Essentials

Post date: 16 Aug 2007
Designed to aid both novices and experienced programmers in learning Visual Basic. Using theory, code examples and screenshots, this book is intended to provide everything necessary to begin developing Windows applications in Visual Basic.
Publication date: 14 Aug 2007
Visual Basic Essentials

Visual Basic Essentials

Post date: 16 Aug 2007
Designed to aid both novices and experienced programmers in learning Visual Basic. Using theory, code examples and screenshots, this book is intended to provide everything necessary to begin developing Windows applications in Visual Basic.
Publication date: 14 Aug 2007

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