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Books published by Newnes

Data Conversion Handbook

Post date: 07 Oct 2006
Covers data converter fundamentals, techniques, applications, and begins with the basic theoretical elements necessary for a complete understanding of data converters.
Publisher: Newnes
Publication date: 16 Dec 2004
Data Conversion Handbook

Data Conversion Handbook

Post date: 07 Oct 2006
Covers data converter fundamentals, techniques, applications, and begins with the basic theoretical elements necessary for a complete understanding of data converters.
Publisher: Newnes
Publication date: 16 Dec 2004

Mixed Signal and DSP Design Techniques

Post date: 07 Oct 2006
Focuses primarily on signal processing hardware; how it works, how to interface to it, and how to design it and debug it. Contains all the design reference information that engineers need when developing mixed and digital signal processing systems.
Publisher: Newnes
Publication date: 02 Jan 2003
Mixed Signal and DSP Design Techniques

Mixed Signal and DSP Design Techniques

Post date: 07 Oct 2006
Focuses primarily on signal processing hardware; how it works, how to interface to it, and how to design it and debug it. Contains all the design reference information that engineers need when developing mixed and digital signal processing systems.
Publisher: Newnes
Publication date: 02 Jan 2003

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