Business Processes and Information Technology

Business Processes and Information Technology

This textbook prepares students to effectively use, manage, and participate in the development of information technology applications in support of common business processes.

Publication date: 31 Dec 2008

ISBN-10: 1616101466

ISBN-13: 9781616101466

Paperback: 952 pages

Views: 18,642

Type: Textbook

Publisher: Global Text Project

License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Post time: 07 Dec 2016 10:00:00

Business Processes and Information Technology

Business Processes and Information Technology This textbook prepares students to effectively use, manage, and participate in the development of information technology applications in support of common business processes.
Tag(s): Information Systems Software Engineering
Publication date: 31 Dec 2008
ISBN-10: 1616101466
ISBN-13: 9781616101466
Paperback: 952 pages
Views: 18,642
Document Type: Textbook
Publisher: Global Text Project
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
Post time: 07 Dec 2016 10:00:00
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From the Preface:
Gelinas, Sutton, and Fedorowicz wrote:Business Processes and Information Technology prepares students to effectively use, manage, and participate in the development of information technology applications in support of common business processes. The text focuses on the interconnections among an organization’s management, business processes, information systems, and information technology. An emphasis is given throughout the text to the governance, control, and security of business processes and information systems, especially underlying financial information systems. After studying this text, a student will walk away with an understanding of the foundation tools and knowledge required for the analysis, design, and control of IT-driven business processes using current and emergent technologies. 

Unique Features of the Book

Business Processes and Information Technology takes a business process focus towards understanding and managing operations, information systems, and management/ decision making in contemporary organizations. A wide range of information technologies in business processes are integrated throughout.

About The Author(s)

Jane Fedorowicz, the Chester B. Slade Professor of Accounting and Information Systems, holds a joint appointment in the Accountancy Department and the Information and Process Management Department at Bentley. Her research interests are Interorganizational information sharing, Digital government and public safety networks, Social Media in policing, eHealth, Business Processes, Internal Controls, and Enterprise Systems.

Jane Fedorowicz

Jane Fedorowicz, the Chester B. Slade Professor of Accounting and Information Systems, holds a joint appointment in the Accountancy Department and the Information and Process Management Department at Bentley. Her research interests are Interorganizational information sharing, Digital government and public safety networks, Social Media in policing, eHealth, Business Processes, Internal Controls, and Enterprise Systems.

Ulric J. (Joe) Gelinas, Jr., Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Accountancy and Davis Educational Foundation Fellow at Bentley College, Waltham, Massachusetts. As a Captain in the United States Air Force, he was Officer-in-Charge of IT Operations. Professor Gelinas was the founding editor of the Journal of Accounting and Computers (formerly the Kent/Bentley Journal of Accounting and Computers and the Kent/Bentley Review).

Ulric J. Gelinas, Jr.

Ulric J. (Joe) Gelinas, Jr., Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Accountancy and Davis Educational Foundation Fellow at Bentley College, Waltham, Massachusetts. As a Captain in the United States Air Force, he was Officer-in-Charge of IT Operations. Professor Gelinas was the founding editor of the Journal of Accounting and Computers (formerly the Kent/Bentley Journal of Accounting and Computers and the Kent/Bentley Review).

Steve G. Sutton is KPMG Professor in the Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting at the University of Central Florida. Professor Sutton has authored/co-authored 5 books, 4 research monographs, and over 120 articles in a broad range of accounting, information systems, production/operations management, and accounting information systems journals. His current research focuses on two streams of research, the first on the impact of intelligent systems on expert and novice decision makers and the second on risk and control within B2B e-commerce based interorganisational relationships.

Steve G. Sutton

Steve G. Sutton is KPMG Professor in the Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting at the University of Central Florida. Professor Sutton has authored/co-authored 5 books, 4 research monographs, and over 120 articles in a broad range of accounting, information systems, production/operations management, and accounting information systems journals. His current research focuses on two streams of research, the first on the impact of intelligent systems on expert and novice decision makers and the second on risk and control within B2B e-commerce based interorganisational relationships.

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