[No longer freely accessible] Tcl/Tk For Programmers

[No longer freely accessible] Tcl/Tk For Programmers

A self-teaching book on Tcl/Tk with more than 200 solved exercises. All exercises run on both Windows and Unix versions of Tcl/Tk.

Tag(s): Tcl/Tk

Publication date: 01 Apr 2004

ISBN-10: 0818685158

ISBN-13: n/a

Paperback: n/a

Views: 30,234

Type: Book

Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press

License: n/a

Post time: 20 Jul 2005 07:04:55

[No longer freely accessible] Tcl/Tk For Programmers

[No longer freely accessible] Tcl/Tk For Programmers A self-teaching book on Tcl/Tk with more than 200 solved exercises. All exercises run on both Windows and Unix versions of Tcl/Tk.
Tag(s): Tcl/Tk
Publication date: 01 Apr 2004
ISBN-10: 0818685158
ISBN-13: n/a
Paperback: n/a
Views: 30,234
Document Type: Book
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press
License: n/a
Post time: 20 Jul 2005 07:04:55

14-02-2021, the book's website http://jazimmer.com/tclbook/ is no longer online. We changed the download link to the book's webpage at Wiley.

:santagrin: This book is suggested by Mike Goins

This book is aimed at programmers who want to learn Tcl/Tk because they find its advantages attractive. It is a self-teaching book with more than 200 solved exercises. All exercises run on both Windows and Unix versions of Tcl/Tk. Only a couple require code variations to accomplish this. The material in this book comes close to being platform independent.

Programmers and systems administrators with other interests may wish to learn from this book as well:

- Tcl/Tk is valuable to Unix systems administrators who want to provide their users with scripts accessible through a GUI front end. (The examples in this book do not illustrate systems administration topics because these tend to vary with the platform.)

- Tcl/Tk is valuable to C/C++ programmers who want to learn a high-level scripting language for their user interfaces or for integrating pieces of a large system.

Although this book is meant to be studied sequentially by someone who works on the exercises, it can serve the purpose of an "introductory manual" as well. The index is designed to send the reader to the main place for any given topic. At that place the reader will find cross references to other places.

The material is detailed but not inclusive. There has concern that descriptions not be so long or so detailed that few people would wish to study them and that descriptions not be so short that many people would need to go to another source before accomplishing anything useful.

This book is not a simple-minded introduction, not a comprehensive manual, and not a collection of production-quality scripts. It bridges the gaps between those things.

About The Author(s)

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J.A. Zimmer

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