Spatial Augmented Reality - Merging Real and Virtual Worlds

Spatial Augmented Reality - Merging Real and Virtual Worlds

Covers spatial augmented reality approaches that exploit optical elements, video projectors, holograms, radio frequency tags, and tracking technology, as well as interactive rendering algorithms and calibration techniques.

Publication date: 08 Aug 2005

ISBN-10: 1568812302

ISBN-13: 9781568812304

Paperback: 392 pages

Views: 19,668

Type: N/A

Publisher: A K Peters, Ltd.

License: n/a

Post time: 05 Sep 2007 10:46:23

Spatial Augmented Reality - Merging Real and Virtual Worlds

Spatial Augmented Reality - Merging Real and Virtual Worlds Covers spatial augmented reality approaches that exploit optical elements, video projectors, holograms, radio frequency tags, and tracking technology, as well as interactive rendering algorithms and calibration techniques.
Tag(s): Computer Vision
Publication date: 08 Aug 2005
ISBN-10: 1568812302
ISBN-13: 9781568812304
Paperback: 392 pages
Views: 19,668
Document Type: N/A
Publisher: A K Peters, Ltd.
License: n/a
Post time: 05 Sep 2007 10:46:23
Terms and Conditions:
Oliver Bimber wrote:All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner.

Excerpts from the Preface:

Spatial Augmented Reality is a rapidly emerging field which concerns everyone working in digital art and media who uses any aspects of augmented reality and is interested in cutting-edge technology of display technologies and the impact of computer graphics. We believe that a rich pallet of different display technologies, mobile and non-mobile, must be considered and adapted to fit a given application so that one can choose the most efficient technology. While this broader view is common in the very established area of virtual reality, it is becoming more accepted in augmented reality which has been dominated by research involving mobile devices.

This book reflects our research efforts over several years and the material has been refined in several courses that we taught at the invitation of Eurographics and ACM SIGGRAPH.

Intended Audience:

In order for a broad spectrum of readers -- system designers, programmers, artists, etc -- to profit from the book, we require no particular programming experience or mathematical background. However, a general knowledge of basic computer graphics techniques, 3D tools, and optics will be useful.

The reader will learn about techniques involving both hardware and software to implement spatial augmented reality installations. Many Cg and OpenGL code fragments, together with algorithms, formulas, drawings, and photographs will guide the interested readers who want to experiment with their own spatial augmented reality installations.

By including a number of exemplary displays examples from different environments, such as museums, edutainment settings, research projects, and industrial settings, we want to stimulate our readers to imagine novel AR installations and to implement them. Supplementary material can be found at .


:) "This is one of the very few helpful books on augmented reality that is not so academic and terse that it can only be understood by an optics specialist or a designer of specialized hardware."

:) "Previously, I'd thought augmented reality was the same as virtual reality. But Bimber corrects this oversight."

About The Author(s)

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Oliver Bimber

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Ramesh Raskar

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