Object-Oriented System Development

Object-Oriented System Development

Written for professionals involved in the development of medium, large, and distributed systems. Consists of instructions on how to put key object-oriented concepts to work in software construction.

Publication date: 01 May 1993

ISBN-10: 020156355X

ISBN-13: n/a

Paperback: 532 pages

Views: 46,058

Type: N/A

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Pub Co

License: n/a

Post time: 28 Oct 2004 11:52:19

Object-Oriented System Development

Object-Oriented System Development Written for professionals involved in the development of medium, large, and distributed systems. Consists of instructions on how to put key object-oriented concepts to work in software construction.
Tag(s): Object Oriented Programming
Publication date: 01 May 1993
ISBN-10: 020156355X
ISBN-13: n/a
Paperback: 532 pages
Views: 46,058
Document Type: N/A
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Pub Co
License: n/a
Post time: 28 Oct 2004 11:52:19
Book excerpts:

Object-Oriented System Development is written for professionals involved in the development of medium, large, and distributed systems. Rather than subscribing to a particular object-oriented method, the authors give instructions on how to put key object-oriented concepts to work in software construction. Many examples, including a full banking system, are developed throughout the book to illustrate the process of object-oriented software development from analysis, through design and into implementation.

Each chapter concludes with exercises. Although one can read this book while bypassing the exercises, they are recommended. Some exercises ask you to operationalize the concepts in this book. Others are quick 'thought questions', sometimes even silly sounding ones, that may lead you into territory that you have not explored.

About The Author(s)

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Dennis de Champeaux

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Penelope Faure

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Douglas Lea

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