Game Theory, Alive
An introduction to the field of Game Thoery. Covers applications from a variety of disciplines and delve into some of the mathematics that underlies game theory.
Tag(s): Mathematics
Publication date: 18 Sep 2016
ISBN-10: n/a
ISBN-13: n/a
Paperback: 397 pages
Views: 7,116
Type: Book
Publisher: n/a
License: n/a
Post time: 20 Sep 2016 07:00:00
Game Theory, Alive
Anna R. Karlin and Yuval Peres wrote:We live in a highly connected world, with multiple self-interested agents interacting, leading to myriad opportunities for conflict and cooperation. Understanding these is the goal of game theory. It finds application in fields such as economics, business, political science, biology, psychology, sociology, computer science, and engineering. Conversely, ideas from the social sciences (e.g., fairness), from biology (evolutionary stability), from statistics (adaptive learning), and from computer science (complexity of finding equilibria) have greatly enriched game theory. In this book, we present an introduction to this field. We will see applications from a variety of disciplines and delve into some of the fascinating mathematics that underlies game theory.
About The Author(s)
Microsoft Professor of Computer Science & Engineering in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington.
Microsoft Professor of Computer Science & Engineering in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington.
Principal Researcher at Theory Group, Microsoft Research and Adjunct Professor at UC Berkeley Statistics and Mathematics.
Principal Researcher at Theory Group, Microsoft Research and Adjunct Professor at UC Berkeley Statistics and Mathematics.