Complex Variables

Complex Variables

This is a student-oriented text covering the standard first year graduate course in complex variables. Solutions to all problems are included.

Tag(s): Mathematics

Publication date: 19 Oct 2007

ISBN-10: 0486462501

ISBN-13: 9780486462509

Paperback: 222 pages

Views: 23,108

Type: Textbook

Publisher: Dover Publications

License: n/a

Post time: 11 Jan 2007 07:37:21

Complex Variables

Complex Variables This is a student-oriented text covering the standard first year graduate course in complex variables. Solutions to all problems are included.
Tag(s): Mathematics
Publication date: 19 Oct 2007
ISBN-10: 0486462501
ISBN-13: 9780486462509
Paperback: 222 pages
Views: 23,108
Document Type: Textbook
Publisher: Dover Publications
License: n/a
Post time: 11 Jan 2007 07:37:21
Terms and Conditions:
Robert B. Ash wrote:(C) Copyright 2004 by R.B. Ash and W.P. Novinger. Paper or electronic copies for noncommercial use may be made freely without explicit permission of the authors. All other rights are reserved.

Book Excerpts:

This book represents a substantial revision of the first edition which was published in 1971. Most of the topics of the original edition have been retained, but in a number of instances the material has been reworked so as to incorporate alternative approaches to these topics that have appeared in the mathematical literature in recent years.

The book is intended as a text, appropriate for use by advanced undergraduates or graduate students who have taken a course in introductory real analysis, or as it is often called, advanced calculus. No background in complex variables is assumed, thus making the text suitable for those encountering the subject for the first time. It should be possible to cover the entire book in two semesters.

For the most part, each section in this book is dependent on the previous ones, and the material should be covered in the order in which it appears. Problem sets follow most sections, with solutions provided (in a separate section).

About The Author(s)

Robert B. Ash (1935-2015) is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois. He was an Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering at Columbia University and then a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, before coming to the University of Illinois Department of Mathematics in 1963. He retired in 1990. Bob wrote thirteen textbooks but he was most proud of the eight books he posted on his web page during his retirement that were available for free downloading.

Robert B. Ash

Robert B. Ash (1935-2015) is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois. He was an Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering at Columbia University and then a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, before coming to the University of Illinois Department of Mathematics in 1963. He retired in 1990. Bob wrote thirteen textbooks but he was most proud of the eight books he posted on his web page during his retirement that were available for free downloading.

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W.P. Novinger

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