Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators, Second Edition
An easy-to-read introduction to Combinatorial Algorithms for any graduate student of mathematics or computer science. Provides a kit of building blocks with which the reader can construct more elaborate structures of his or her own.
Tag(s): Mathematics
Publication date: 01 Jun 1978
ISBN-10: 0125192606
ISBN-13: 9780125192606
Paperback: 316 pages
Views: 22,708
Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators, Second Edition
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About The Author(s)
Albert Nijenhuis (1926 – 2015) was a Dutch-American mathematician who specialized in differential geometry and the theory of deformations in algebra and geometry, and later worked in combinatorics. His early work was in the area of differential geometry. After 1964, his interests shifted to combinatorics. Much of his work was done with Herbert S. Wilf, with whom he published a book in 1975. After retiring, his interest in differential geometry was rekindled. His last conference presentation and paper were presented when he was nearly 70.
Albert Nijenhuis (1926 – 2015) was a Dutch-American mathematician who specialized in differential geometry and the theory of deformations in algebra and geometry, and later worked in combinatorics. His early work was in the area of differential geometry. After 1964, his interests shifted to combinatorics. Much of his work was done with Herbert S. Wilf, with whom he published a book in 1975. After retiring, his interest in differential geometry was rekindled. His last conference presentation and paper were presented when he was nearly 70.
Herbert Wilf (1931-2012) was the University of Pennsylvania Thomas A. Scott Emeritus Professor of Mathematics. He was the author of six books and more than 160 research articles. From the 1950's, he was a pioneer in the mathematical programming of early computers, beginning with his work at Nuclear Development Associates, which led to his book Mathematical Methods for Digital Computers, written with A. Ralston. His early work focused on numerical analysis and complex analysis, and led to numerous research papers as well as a textbook, Mathematics for the Physical Sciences.
Herbert Wilf (1931-2012) was the University of Pennsylvania Thomas A. Scott Emeritus Professor of Mathematics. He was the author of six books and more than 160 research articles. From the 1950's, he was a pioneer in the mathematical programming of early computers, beginning with his work at Nuclear Development Associates, which led to his book Mathematical Methods for Digital Computers, written with A. Ralston. His early work focused on numerical analysis and complex analysis, and led to numerous research papers as well as a textbook, Mathematics for the Physical Sciences.