Ben Fhala discovered his passion for data visualization six years ago while he was working at Parsons in New York, in their data visualization department PIIM. He is the owner of the online video training school,, and an Adobe ACP. He enjoys spending most of his time learning and teaching, and has a love for visual programming and visualization in general. He has built many interactive experiences for companies such as Target, AT&T, Crayola, Marriott, Neutrogena, and Nokia. He has technically directed many award-winning projects and has been a part of teams that have won three Agency of the Year awards.
Books Authored by Ben Fhala
[Sign-up required] HTML5 Graphing and Data Visualization Cookbook
Post date: 06 Mar 2017[Sign-up required] HTML5 Graphing and Data Visualization Cookbook
Post date: 06 Mar 2017