Axiom - The 30 Year Horizon
This is the documentation of Axiom, a general purpose, free, and open source Computer Algebra system. It covers basic tutorials, programming materials and references. It includes examples that illustrate both the basic and advanced abilities.
Tag(s): Computer Aided Mathematics
Publication date: 28 Dec 2005
ISBN-10: 141166597X
ISBN-13: 9781411665972
Paperback: 289 pages
Views: 18,182
Axiom - The 30 Year Horizon
Timothy Daly wrote:Axiom Book is provided to you at no charge and you have a right to redistribute it to others (according to license). In return we depend on people like you - those who are willing to volunteer their time, effort and donations to ensure that all of Axiom remains free and that timely enhancements continue to be available to everyone.
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