Programming Ruby, The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
A tutorial and reference for the Ruby, a rapid growing object-oriented programming language.
Tag(s): Object Oriented Programming Ruby
Publication date: 01 Dec 2000
ISBN-10: 0201710897
ISBN-13: 9780201710892
Paperback: 608 pages
Views: 32,025
Type: N/A
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc
License: Open Publication License
Post time: 19 Dec 2004 01:11:36
Programming Ruby, The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt wrote:This book is a tutorial and reference for the Ruby programming language. Use Ruby, and you'll write better code, be more productive, and enjoy programming more.
These are bold claims, but we think that after reading this book you'll agree with them. And we have the experience to back up this belief.
As Pragmatic Programmers we've tried many, many languages in our search for tools to make our lives easier, for tools to help us do our jobs better. Until now, though, we'd always been frustrated by the languages we were using.
Our job is to solve problems, not spoonfeed compilers, so we like dynamic languages that adapt to us, without arbitrary, rigid rules. We need clarity so we can communicate using our code. We value conciseness and the ability to express a requirement in code accurately and efficiently. The less code we write, the less that can go wrong. (And our wrists and fingers are thankful, too.)
About The Author(s)
Andy Hunt (sometimes credited as Andrew Hunt) is a writer of books on software development. Hunt co-authored The Pragmatic Programmer, six other books and many articles, and was one of the 17 original authors of the Agile Manifesto and founders of the Agile Alliance.
Andy Hunt (sometimes credited as Andrew Hunt) is a writer of books on software development. Hunt co-authored The Pragmatic Programmer, six other books and many articles, and was one of the 17 original authors of the Agile Manifesto and founders of the Agile Alliance.
Dave Thomas is one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto, and he's probably responsible for bringing Ruby to attention of Western developers with the book Programming Ruby. He was one of the first adopters of Rails, and helped spread the word with the book Agile Web Development with Rails.
Dave Thomas is one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto, and he's probably responsible for bringing Ruby to attention of Western developers with the book Programming Ruby. He was one of the first adopters of Rails, and helped spread the word with the book Agile Web Development with Rails.