Algorithms and Data Structures

Data structure is a way of storing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently. Often a carefully chosen data structure will allow a more efficient algorithm to be used.

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Books under this sub-category (56 books)

CS 573: Graduate Algorithms

Post date: 20 Oct 2016
A collection of class notes for the course "473G/573 Graduate Algorithms" taught in the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Includes NP-Completeness, dynamic programming, approximation algorithms, randomized algorithms and linear programming.
Publication date: 30 Dec 2014
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported
Document Type: Lecture Notes
CS 573: Graduate Algorithms

CS 573: Graduate Algorithms

Post date: 20 Oct 2016
A collection of class notes for the course "473G/573 Graduate Algorithms" taught in the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Includes NP-Completeness, dynamic programming, approximation algorithms, randomized algorithms and linear programming.
Publication date: 30 Dec 2014
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Document Type: Lecture Notes

Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++ (Edition

Post date: 20 Jul 2010
This book provides a thorough and comprehensive treatment of fundamental data structures and the principles of algorithm analysis. Focuses on the principles required to select or design the data structure that will best solve the problem.
Publisher: Dover Publications
Publication date: 28 Mar 2013
Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++ (Edition

Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++ (Edition

Post date: 20 Jul 2010
This book provides a thorough and comprehensive treatment of fundamental data structures and the principles of algorithm analysis. Focuses on the principles required to select or design the data structure that will best solve the problem.
Publisher: Dover Publications
Publication date: 28 Mar 2013

Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in Java (Edition 3.2)

Post date: 23 Apr 2016
This text helps readers understand how to select or design the tools that will best solve specific problems, focusing on creating efficient data structures and algorithms. It uses Java as the programming language.
Publisher: Dover Publications
Publication date: 28 Mar 2013
Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in Java (Edition 3.2)

Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in Java (Edition 3.2)

Post date: 23 Apr 2016
This text helps readers understand how to select or design the tools that will best solve specific problems, focusing on creating efficient data structures and algorithms. It uses Java as the programming language.
Publisher: Dover Publications
Publication date: 28 Mar 2013

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python

Post date: 28 May 2016
This book covers fundamentals of data structures and algorithms using Python. It also illustrates object-oriented design and it promotes the use of common, object-oriented design patterns.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2003
Data Structures and Algorithms  with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python

Post date: 28 May 2016
This book covers fundamentals of data structures and algorithms using Python. It also illustrates object-oriented design and it promotes the use of common, object-oriented design patterns.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2003

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#

Post date: 08 Jan 2005
Promotes object-oriented design using C# and to illustrate the use of the emerging object-oriented design patterns.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2001
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#

Post date: 08 Jan 2005
Promotes object-oriented design using C# and to illustrate the use of the emerging object-oriented design patterns.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2001

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++

Post date: 30 Oct 2004
Promotes object-oriented design using C++ and illustrates the use of the emerging object-oriented design patterns.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication date: 01 Aug 1998
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++

Post date: 30 Oct 2004
Promotes object-oriented design using C++ and illustrates the use of the emerging object-oriented design patterns.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication date: 01 Aug 1998

Data Structures and Algorithms With Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java

Post date: 30 Oct 2004
Covers the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms -- the basic elements from which large and complex software artifacts are built -- using Java programming language.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication date: 02 Aug 1999
Data Structures and Algorithms With Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java

Data Structures and Algorithms With Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java

Post date: 30 Oct 2004
Covers the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms -- the basic elements from which large and complex software artifacts are built -- using Java programming language.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication date: 02 Aug 1999

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Post date: 22 Jun 2016
This book focuses on fundamental data structures and graph algorithms.
Publication date: 01 Jan 2008
Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Post date: 22 Jun 2016
This book focuses on fundamental data structures and graph algorithms.
Publication date: 01 Jan 2008

Design and Analysis of Algorithms: Course Notes

Post date: 11 Sep 2006
These notes teach the techniques for the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures. It also study efficient algorithms from areas such as graph theory, networks, scheduling etc.
Publication date: 01 Aug 2003
Design and Analysis of Algorithms: Course Notes

Design and Analysis of Algorithms: Course Notes

Post date: 11 Sep 2006
These notes teach the techniques for the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures. It also study efficient algorithms from areas such as graph theory, networks, scheduling etc.
Publication date: 01 Aug 2003

Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms

Post date: 14 Feb 2007
Focuses on how to design good algorithms, and how to analyze their efficiency.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2003
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms

Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms

Post date: 14 Feb 2007
Focuses on how to design good algorithms, and how to analyze their efficiency.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2003

Efficient Algorithms for Sorting and Synchronization

Post date: 12 Jun 2005
Presents efficient algorithms for internal and external parallel sorting and remote data update.
Publication date: 01 Feb 1999
Efficient Algorithms for Sorting and Synchronization

Efficient Algorithms for Sorting and Synchronization

Post date: 12 Jun 2005
Presents efficient algorithms for internal and external parallel sorting and remote data update.
Publication date: 01 Feb 1999

Elementary Algorithms

Post date: 21 Oct 2016
Six years in the making, this is a free book about elementary algorithms and data structures. This book doesn't only focus on an imperative (or procedural) approach, but also includes purely functional algorithms and data structures.
Publication date: 01 Apr 2016
License: GNU General Public License Version 3
Document Type: Book
Elementary Algorithms

Elementary Algorithms

Post date: 21 Oct 2016
Six years in the making, this is a free book about elementary algorithms and data structures. This book doesn't only focus on an imperative (or procedural) approach, but also includes purely functional algorithms and data structures.
Publication date: 01 Apr 2016
License: GNU General Public License Version 3 Document Type: Book

Foundations of Computer Science

Post date: 16 Oct 2006
Introduces the principles of data structures and algorithms. Emphasises the algorithmic side of programming, focusing on problem-solving rather than on hardware-level bits and bytes.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2000
Document Type: Lecture Notes
Foundations of Computer Science

Foundations of Computer Science

Post date: 16 Oct 2006
Introduces the principles of data structures and algorithms. Emphasises the algorithmic side of programming, focusing on problem-solving rather than on hardware-level bits and bytes.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2000
Document Type: Lecture Notes

GNU libavl Online Book

Post date: 11 Feb 2007
Provides an introduction to binary tree techniques using GNU libavl, a library in ANSI C for manipulation of various types of binary trees.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2006
License: GNU General Public License
GNU libavl Online Book

GNU libavl Online Book

Post date: 11 Feb 2007
Provides an introduction to binary tree techniques using GNU libavl, a library in ANSI C for manipulation of various types of binary trees.
Publication date: 31 Dec 2006
License: GNU General Public License

How to Think About Algorithms - Loop Invariants and Recursion

Post date: 09 Oct 2006
These notes teach the students to think abstractly about algorithms and about the key algorithmic techniques used to develop them.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication date: 01 Feb 2008
How to Think About Algorithms - Loop Invariants and Recursion

How to Think About Algorithms - Loop Invariants and Recursion

Post date: 09 Oct 2006
These notes teach the students to think abstractly about algorithms and about the key algorithmic techniques used to develop them.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication date: 01 Feb 2008

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