Ajax Design Patterns
Provides best practices for web developers by investigating foundational technology patterns, programming patterns, functionality and usability patterns, and diagnosis/testing of Ajax applications.
Tag(s): JavaScript
Publication date: 09 Jul 2006
ISBN-10: 0596101805
ISBN-13: 9780596101800
Paperback: 656 pages
Views: 18,219
Ajax Design Patterns
About The Author(s)
Michael Mahemoff worked at Google as the Chrome/HTML5 Developer Advocate. After leaving Google, he did developer relations consulting at Nuvomondo Ltd. Currently, he is using HTML5 and the web to make podcasts easier to share, play, and discover at Player FM where he is the founder.
He earned his PhD in Software Engineering from The University of Melbourne in 2001. His thesis title was "Design Reuse in Software Engineering and Human-computer Interaction".
Michael Mahemoff worked at Google as the Chrome/HTML5 Developer Advocate. After leaving Google, he did developer relations consulting at Nuvomondo Ltd. Currently, he is using HTML5 and the web to make podcasts easier to share, play, and discover at Player FM where he is the founder.
He earned his PhD in Software Engineering from The University of Melbourne in 2001. His thesis title was "Design Reuse in Software Engineering and Human-computer Interaction".