Economic Aspects and Business Models of Free Software
Focuses on the study of Free Software in relation with the private sector and related economic aspects.
Tag(s): Software Libre and Open Source
Publication date: 01 Sep 2010
ISBN-10: n/a
ISBN-13: n/a
Paperback: 221 pages
Views: 15,219
Type: Book
Publisher: Free Technology Acacemy
License: GNU Free Documentation License
Post time: 03 Sep 2010 04:03:55
Economic Aspects and Business Models of Free Software
Martinez, Monsalve, and Raya wrote:The course book its focused on the study of Free Software in relation with the private sector and related economic aspects. We analyse the software industry from an economic perspective: how it was affected by software licensed under free conditions and what is its potential for the future. On the other hand, we study how to use Free Software in the private sector, from a development view but also in implementation and migration.
Martinez, Monsalve, and Raya wrote:The aim of the Economic aspects and free software business models subject is to provide the necessary knowledge to understand and implement free software economics through the study of economic aspects and analysis of the related business models, in combination with the opportunities offered by this new market.
About The Author(s)
Associate professor at the Departament d'Economia de l'Empresa in the UIB. Coordinates the Master in Management, Organization and Business Economics (Mmobe) and the Ph. D. program in Economics, Management and Organization (DEMO). His research, on industrial economics and economics of the firm, as been published in International Economic Review, International Journal of Production Economics, SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Resource and Energy Economics and Economics Bulletin.
Associate professor at the Departament d'Economia de l'Empresa in the UIB. Coordinates the Master in Management, Organization and Business Economics (Mmobe) and the Ph. D. program in Economics, Management and Organization (DEMO). His research, on industrial economics and economics of the firm, as been published in International Economic Review, International Journal of Production Economics, SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Resource and Energy Economics and Economics Bulletin.
Staff and Predoctoral Researcher at The Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language. Researches include sentence processing, predictive mechanisms, MEG, oscillations, and open science.
Staff and Predoctoral Researcher at The Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language. Researches include sentence processing, predictive mechanisms, MEG, oscillations, and open science.
Degree in IT engineering from the Universität Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia) and the University of Andorra, with Security, networks and distributed systems as his specialist subjects. He currently teaches, coordinates and administrates IT systems at an educational institution, is a member of the Grup de Recerca en Seguretat Informática i Programan Lliure (IT Security and Free Software Research Group) of the University of Andorra, and acts as a consultant for the Master's Degree in Free Software of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Degree in IT engineering from the Universität Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia) and the University of Andorra, with Security, networks and distributed systems as his specialist subjects. He currently teaches, coordinates and administrates IT systems at an educational institution, is a member of the Grup de Recerca en Seguretat Informática i Programan Lliure (IT Security and Free Software Research Group) of the University of Andorra, and acts as a consultant for the Master's Degree in Free Software of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.